born 26.5.1970 in Prague


1984 - 1988 Secondary School for Applied Arts Prague
1990 - 1992 Academy of Applied Arts Prague (sculpture studio of Prof. K. Gebauer)
1992 - 1996 Academy of Fine Arts Prague (sculpture studio of Prof. K. Nepraš)
1994 - 1995 (intermedial studio of Prof. J. David)
1995 - Stipendium of French guvernement on Ecole Nationaile Des Arts Décoratifs



1992 Karolinum, Prague - exhibition of K. Gebauer´s students
1992 Vojan´s gardens, Prague - exhibition of the Academy of Applied Arts Prague
1993 Moravian gallery, Brno (studio of K. Nepraš)
1993 AFFA gallery, Prague - solo exhibition
1995 Archa theater, Prague - installation
1996 Valdštejn´s riding-school, Prague - exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts
1996 Academy of Fine Arts gallery, Prague - Sochy (Sculptures) exhibition
1997 Velryba gallery, Prague - Zátiší (Still live) - solo exhibition
1997 1. Saloon of the Young, Zlín
1997 Gallery of Modern Art Prague - exhibition Artwork in Public Spaces - project for Soros foundation
1997 Institute Francais, Prague - solo exhibition
1998 Bunkr gallery, Prague - Zbytky (Rests) - solo exhibition
1998 Forum Statpark - Gratz (Austria) - Bottle-post
1998 Klatovy / Klenová gallery - Výlet (Trip)
1998 Confluences gallery, Paris - C.R.A.N.E. 98
1999 Akropolis palace, Prague - Moje rodina (My family) - solo exhibition
1999 Academy of Fine Arts gallery, Prague - Doma (At home)
1999 CZ 99 – conceptual art of the 90ties
1999 Roxy gallery– Vidiny (Visions)
2000 Barrak gallery (Berlin) - Všechno v pohybu (All in the move)
2000 Czech center Bucharest - Ženy (Women)
2000 2. Saloon of the Young, Zlín
2001 Comenius museum Naarden - Memory
2002 Goethe institut Prague – Apriles – women’s art festival
2003 VŠUP Gallery Prague – 16,5 sculpture
2004 Karla Pippich Gallery Chrudim – Dole bez (Bottom-less)
2004 Kunsthalle Krems (Austria) – Kunst Land Schaf(f)t
2004 Botanical garden Prague – Socha v zahrade (Sculpture in the Garden)
2005 Museum Jílové u Prahy – Z jara (Spring time) - solo exhibition
2005 Katerinská garden Prague – Nic na odiv...? (Nothing for Show…?)
2006 Realization of sculptures Births in front of City hall in Liberec
2007 National Gallery Museum of Modern Art Prague -Art of giving birth
2008 Realization of sculpture Liittle girl wihh ballone(New city hall in Liberec)

participation at symposiums

1995 Kankaanpää (Finland) – International stone symposium
1996 Schrattenberg (Austria) - Eine intermediales Symposion
1998 Quincerot (France) - C.R.A.N.E. 98 symposium
2002 Přední Kopanina (Czech rep.)– international sculpture symposium
2004 Kunsthalle Krems (Austria) – international fine art symposium
2007 Château de Chevigny en Auxois)France – Intermedial symposium

Martina Klouzová - Nuibo Martina Klouzová - Nuibo Martina Klouzová - Nuibo Martina Klouzová - Nuibo Martina Klouzová - Nuibo Martina Klouzová - Nuibo


